Showing posts sorted by date for query The Lord. Sort by relevance Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by date for query The Lord. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Christian Testimonies - Led by God’s Love in the Tribulation, I Became Stronger in My Heart

Chen Lu Tonglu City, Zhejiang Province

    I was born in the countryside in the 1980s. My family has engaged in farming for a living for generations. To enter the college and break free from the poor and backward rural life, I kept studying hard. When I was in high school, I came into contact with The History of Western Arts and saw many superb paintings such as Genesis, The Garden of Eden, The Last Supper, and so on. Through them, I learned that in heaven there is a God who created all things. Thus, I was filled with yearning for him. After graduating from college, I successfully found a good job and married a satisfactory husband, and finally realized the wish of my forefathers and mine—breaking free from the hard farming life that continued for generations.

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Christian Testimonies - God Is the Power of My Life

Christian Testimonies - God Is the Power of My Life

Xiaohe Henan Province

How time flies! Fourteen years have flashed by since I followed Almighty God. In these years, although I have undergone various trials and hardships and frustrations, with the company of God’s word and God’s love and mercy, I’ve been especially enriched in my heart. During these fourteen years, what was most deeply engraved on my heart was my being arrested in August, 2003. After I was arrested that time, I was cruelly tortured by the CCP police and was almost disabled. It was Almighty God who cared for and kept me and led me with his word of life time after time, so that I overcame the cruel tortures of the devils and stood testimony.

Monday, January 28, 2019

Christian Testimonies - God’s Word Led Me to Overcome the Suppression of the Force of Darkness

Christian Testimonies - God’s Word Led Me to Overcome the Suppression of the Force of Darkness

Qiu Zhen Zhejiang Province

I believed in Jesus from childhood with my mother. In the days of my following the Lord Jesus, I was often moved by the Lord’s love, feeling that the Lord Jesus loved us so much that he was crucified and shed his last drop of blood for the sake of redeeming us…. At that time, the brothers and sisters all loved and sustained one another. We enjoyed the Lord’s love, but at the same time, we were persecuted and suppressed by the CCP government. The police labeled our house churches as having “illegal meetings.” They often raided our meeting places and ordered that we couldn’t have meetings unless we got the relevant license approved by the government. Otherwise, we would be arrested to be fined or sentenced.

Saturday, January 26, 2019

Christian Testimonies - God’s Love Strengthened My Heart

Christian Testimonies - God’s Love Strengthened My Heart

Xiao Li Liaoning Province

I had a harmonious family. My husband cared for and looked after me and our son was sensible and obedient, and moreover, our family was well-off. By rights, I should be very happy, but the fact was not so. No matter how good my husband and son were to me, and no matter how well-off my family was, it couldn’t make me happy. That was because I had lung disease, arthritis, and serious insomnia. I couldn’t sleep the whole night, my brain was lack of blood supply, and my limbs were weak. I felt very distressed but was unable to be free from them. The pressure in my business and the tortures of the illnesses caused me to suffer unspeakably. Those illnesses even more made me feel extremely miserable. To get free from those sufferings, I tried many ways, but in vain.

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Christian Testimonies - God’s Word Led Me to Forge Testimony

God’s Word Led Me to Forge Testimony

Xiao Min Shandong Province

I was born in a poor and backward village, and lived in poverty from childhood. After I got married, to make my little life become rich as soon as possible, I worked and labored like crazy. In the end, I fell sick from overwork. The previously healthy me got many illnesses. Since then, I lived in the affliction of illnesses and began to see doctors and seek remedies everywhere. I spent a lot of money, but my illnesses never got better. In the spring of 1999, two sisters preached Almighty God’s end-time work to me. Through reading Almighty God’s word, I knew that Almighty God is the returned Savior Jesus and He can save man from all the miseries. As I read more and more of God’s words, I understood some truths, my outlook on life and my values changed somewhat, and my distressed and oppressed heart was released.

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Christian Testimonies - The Song of Life in Tortures

The Song of Life in Tortures

Gao Jing Henan Province

In 1999, I was fortunate to accept Almighty God’s end-time work. Through reading God’s word, I felt God’s holy, honorable, and righteous disposition, and knew that all these words are the expression of God’s life being. I had inexpressible moving in my heart. For the first time I felt the security and joy in the bottom of my heart brought by the working of the Holy Spirit. Since then, I desired more and more to gain these truths. After entering the Church of Almighty God, I saw that it was a new world completely different from the society. The brothers and sisters were all simple, kind-hearted, pure, and lively.

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Christian Testimonies - After Undergoing the Devil’s Affliction, I Knew More Clearly God’s Grace Is Precious

Xu Qiang     Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region

    My name is Xu Qiang. I was once a project contractor. I led many people to undertake contracted projects every year and had a good income. In the eyes of my contemporaries, I had a happy family and smooth career and had a great future, so I should be the happiest man. However, while enjoying the material life, I felt an unexplainable emptiness in my heart. Especially in order to undertake contracted projects, I had to ingratiate myself with the leaders of the relevant departments all day, observing their speech and behavior and fawning and flattering them. All those had to be handled extremely well, or I couldn’t earn money. Moreover, people of the same trade intrigued against one another and guarded and schemed against one another, which made me exhaust all mental efforts….

Monday, January 21, 2019

Christian Testimonies | From Suffering Is Emitted the Fragrance of Love

Xiaokai, Jiangxi Province

    I’m an ordinary country woman and, because of the feudalistic idea of only valuing male children, I was unable to raise my head in front of others for shame at having borne no son. Just when I was suffering the most, I was chosen by the Lord Jesus and, two years later, I accepted the salvation of Almighty God. Moreover, I understood much truth from within the words of Almighty God and my heart obtained true release. However, while I was performing my duty to repay God’s love, I was twice arrested by the CCP government and I suffered brutal torture and torment at the hands of the CCP’s pawns.

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Western Scholars Gather in Seoul for The Church of Almighty God’s Premiering Photo Exhibit

    October 24, 2018, The Church of Almighty God held its first photo exhibition in Seoul, South Korea with the theme of “The Origin and Development of The Church of Almighty God,” drawing eleven experts and scholars from seven countries including the USA, Canada, England, France, and Italy to attend and explore the exhibit. Massimo Introvigne, who is an Italian sociologist and the founder and managing director of the Center for Studies on New Religions (CESNUR), France’s Bernadette Rigal-Cellard, professor of North American Studies at the University of Bordeaux Montaigne, Canadian sociologist and author Susan Jean Palmer, and others raised questions on Almighty God’s work of the last days, and several Christians who accepted Almighty God’s work of the last days in its early period provided detailed answers to each one of them.

Sunday, January 13, 2019

In Your Experience, How Much Practical Understanding Do You Have of God’s Salvation?

Once I had come to this realization, I felt so much stronger than I had before, and when I encountered matters that touched upon my self-regard and status, I wasn’t as frail, and I could face them somewhat correctly. But my satanic nature of pursuing status had been deeply rooted within me and it had become my life. It wasn’t something that could be utterly resolved by undergoing a few instances of judgment, chastisement, trials and refinement. In order to better purify and change me, God continued to arrange situations in which He could judge, chastise, try and refine me.

Saturday, January 12, 2019

In Your Experience, How Much Practical Understanding Do You Have of God’s Salvation?


Since I was small, I had always had a strong desire to be better than others. No matter what group of people I was in, I always sought to be the best. While I was still at school, though I had an average mind and my grades weren’t outstanding, I studied very hard so that I wouldn’t fall behind the other students. Teachers praised me for my desire to make progress, and relatives also praised me for being such a diligent student and taking my studies so seriously. I would often feel proud of myself for receiving their praise and getting favorable comments from them, and I considered myself top of my age group. After I’d accepted God’s work in the last days, I came to understand some truths by reading God’s words and living the church life, and I saw that, no matter what disposition God expresses, whether it be mercy, lovingkindness or righteous judgment and chastisement, they are all God’s true love for man.

Sunday, January 6, 2019

A Letter From a Recovered Cancer Patient to Her Sister

Little Sister:

    Hello! I got your letter a few days ago and it made me really happy. We haven’t been in contact for a long time, so now that I know you’re all well and that you’re living the proper church life, my mind can rest easy. You asked why I hadn’t been in touch with you for such a long time; you must surely have been worried that something had happened to me, right? Actually, I’ve been going through a trial of illness during this time, and the doctor gave me a death sentence. But I miraculously survived under the guidance of God’s words, and now I’m completely fine. You probably want to know how God guided me through this trial of illness, don’t you? Let me take you through everything that’s happened.

Saturday, January 5, 2019

Seeing God’s Hand in the Hardships of Selling and Buying a Home

Ma Ling

Part 1

    Deep in the night when all was quiet, Ma Ling stood in silence by the window thinking about a conversation she had had with a church leader that day.

    The leader, Sister Bai, said: “Sister Ma, one of the people taken in the most recent wave of arrests of brothers and sisters by the CCP government was a sister who used to stay at your home. We’re afraid that the police will track her movements through video surveillance recordings, and in that case you would certainly be implicated. The duty that you’re currently performing would be impacted too. I don’t know if you have any particular plans.”

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

How God’s Words Helped Her Overcome the Temptation of Losing Her Wealth

Qin Miao

    “The factory’s out of business, it’s been closed.”

    Hearing that urgency in her younger brother’s voice over the phone, Lianying felt for a moment like something had exploded in her head and then her heart leapt into her throat. How could that be possible? She hoped she had heard wrong. Half-aware, she asked: “The factory … closed? What on earth happened?”

    Her brother choked out the words: “It’s been cordoned off. I was … cheated. There’s … nothing.”

   “Cheated?” Lianying’s vision went blank and she nearly passed out. She gripped the phone tightly, feeling incredible anxiety. She asked her brother question after question, feeling an urgent need to understand every single thing that had happened with the factory.

Monday, December 31, 2018

Christian Short Sketch "A Warning From History" (English Skit)

Christian Short Sketch "A Warning From History" (English Skit)

Two thousand years ago, when the Lord Jesus appeared and worked, the Pharisees clung to the laws and condemned His work, saying that His work went beyond the Scriptures. To protect their status and livelihood, they strove with all their might to stop people from seeking the Lord Jesus' work, and joined forces with the Roman government to nail Him to the cross. In the last days, as the Lord Jesus again appears in the flesh to do work, the leaders of the religious world repeat the historical tragedy of the Pharisees' resistance of Lord Jesus. How do they resist God's work of the last days?

Sunday, December 30, 2018

English Christian Skit "Starving for Fear of Choking"

English Christian Skit "Starving for Fear of Choking"

In the matter of welcoming the Lord's coming, there are some in the religious world who close their door and wait alone for fear of being deceived by false Christs. They starve themselves for fear of choking, and cling to the words, "Then if any man shall say to you, See, here is Christ, or there; believe it not. For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders; so that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect" (Mat 24:23-24). They think anyone who preaches God's gospel of the last daysor testifies the Lord's return is false, and utterly refuse to hear, see, or come into contact with them, but they ignore how to welcome the Lord's coming. The protagonist of this skit is one such person …

Saturday, December 29, 2018

Bible Prophecy Has Come True | "How Exactly Does the Lord Come" (Crosstalk) | Christian Variety Show

Bible Prophecy Has Come True | "How Exactly Does the Lord Come" (Crosstalk) | Christian Variety Show

In the last days, the mood of Christians awaiting the return of the Lord Jesus becomes more intense, but how, exactly, will the Lord return? Some say, "The Lord Jesus will come with clouds." Others say, "The prophecies predicting His return also state, 'Behold, I come as a thief' (Rev 16:15). 'But first must he suffer many things, and be rejected of this generation' (Luk 17:25). 'And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom comes; go you out to meet him' (Mat 25:6).

Thursday, December 27, 2018

2018 Comedy Skit "The Lord Is Knocking" | Welcome the Return of the Lord | Christian Variety Show

2018 Comedy Skit "The Lord Is Knocking" | Welcome the Return of the Lord | Christian Variety Show

The skit The Lord Is Knocking explains how, in the last days, the Lord knocks at the door of our hearts with His words, and that wise virgins can hear God's voice and feast with the Lamb.
Pastor Chang Shoudao has always awaited the Lord's return, but when Brother Zhen testifies to him that the Lord has already returned, he stubbornly sticks to his own notions and imaginings, believing that the Lord will return on a cloud, and keeping the door of his heart closed to the true way.

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

2018 Comedy Skit | Christian Video "The Pastor's 'Good' Intentions"

2018 Comedy Skit | Christian Video "The Pastor's 'Good' Intentions"

Yang Xiangming is a worker in a denomination, and once he determines Almighty God is the returned Lord Jesus in the last days, he guides some of his brothers and sisters to turn toward Almighty God. This makes his pastor uneasy, so his pastor uses status and money to tempt him, and also uses his son's wedding to threaten Yang Xiangming into abandoning the true way…. Faced with his pastor's "good" intentions, what will Yang Xiangming finally decide to do?

Friday, December 21, 2018

A Hymn of God's Words God Laments the Future of Mankind

Smiley face
A Hymn of God's Words God Laments the Future of Mankind 

In this vast world which has changed countless times even since before history, there is no one to lead and guide man, no one but He who rules over all. No mighty lord labors and prepares for the sake of this mankind's needs. None can lead them into bright future, nor free them from injustice of this world. God laments the future of humankind. How He grieves at the fall of them! See His sorrow as they fail to learn that they march the road of no return. Man has rebelled, broken the heart of God; Satan's evil path they've gladly trod. And no one has stopped to clearly see where mankind will eventually go.