Tuesday, October 3, 2017

How Can You Tell the Difference Between the True Christ and False Christs?

Kingdom, Truth, last days
How Can You Tell the Difference Between the True Christ and False Christs?

Relevant Words of God:

God become flesh is called Christ, and so the Christ that can give people the truth is called God. There is nothing excessive about this, for He possesses the substance of God, and possesses God’s disposition, and wisdom in His work, that are unattainable by man.

Monday, October 2, 2017

Beholding the Appearance of God in His Judgment and Chastisement

Eastern Lightning,Almighty God,The Church of Almighty God
Eastern Lightning | Beholding the Appearance of God in His Judgment and Chastisement
Like hundreds of millions of other followers of the Lord Jesus Christ, we abide by the laws and commandments of the Bible, enjoy the abundant grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and gather together, pray, praise, and serve in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ—and all this we do under the care and protection of the Lord. We are often weak, and often strong. 

The Lord Jesus said that He will return, and what will be the manner of His return?

Jesus, God's word, Judgment
The Lord Jesus said that He will return, and what will be the manner of His return?
The answer from God’s word:
For several thousand years, man has longed to be able to witness the arrival of the Savior. Man has longed to behold Jesus the Savior on a white cloud as He descends, in person, among those who have pined and yearned for Him for thousands of years. Man has longed for the Savior to return and be reunited with the people, that is, for Jesus the Savior to come back to the people from whom He has been apart for thousands of years.

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Is God Greater or Is the Bible Greater? A Talk About the Relationship Between God and the Bible

Is God Greater or Is the Bible Greater? A Talk About the Relationship Between God and the Bible

 For many years, people’s traditional means of belief (that of Christianity, one of the world’s three major religions) has been to read the Bible; departure from the Bible is not the belief in the Lord, departure from the Bible is an evil cult, and heresy, and even when people read other books, the foundation of these books must be the explanation of the Bible.

Saturday, September 30, 2017

2019 Christian Music Video "I'm Willing to Submit to God's Work" | Thank God's Love | Korean Song

2019 Christian Music Video "I'm Willing to Submit to God's Work" | Thank God's Love | Korean Song

O God! I beg You to do judgment work in me,

purify and change me,

allowing me to understand and obey Your will in all things.

In Your salvation of me, there is Your supreme love, and Your will.

In Your salvation of me, there is Your supreme love, and Your will.

Second Coming Jesus | Welcome God's Return Faithfully - "O God, You Know I'm Missing You" (Official Music Video)

Second Coming Jesus | Welcome God's Return Faithfully - "O God, You Know I'm Missing You" (Official Music Video)


My heart’s deeply attached to You. But I feel unworthy of Your love.

Too humble to be in the presence of You, how worried and uneasy I am!

I can only make up my mind; offer my whole being to You.

I will suffer for You, suffer all hardships, till the last breath of my life.

God! You know that I am waiting, waiting for You to come back.

God, please don’t forget about me. I can’t live without You!

Friday, September 29, 2017

What Is True Faith in God? | "Faith in God"

     Yu Congguang preaches the gospel for the Church of Almighty God. While preaching the gospel, he was pursued by the Chinese Communist government. He fled to the mountains, where he received help from Zheng Xun, a co-worker of the local house church. When they first met each other, they felt like they had already known each other for a long time.