Friday, August 24, 2018

65. Regarding the Lord’s return, the Bible very clearly records, “But of that day and that hour knows no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father” (Mak 13:32). If you are saying that the Lord Jesus has already returned, how would you know?

65. Regarding the Lord’s return, the Bible very clearly records, “But of that day and that hour knows no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father” (Mak 13:32). If you are saying that the Lord Jesus has already returned, how would you know?

The Answer from God’s Word:

At the break of dawn, unbeknownst to any, God came to earth and began His life in the flesh. People were unaware of this moment. Maybe they were all fast asleep, maybe many who were watchfully awake were waiting, and maybe many were praying silently to God in heaven. Yet among all these many people, not one knew that God had already arrived on earth.

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Best Christian Music Video | Walk in the Love of God | "Attachment to God" (Korean Worship Song)

Best Christian Music Video | Walk in the Love of God | "Attachment to God" (Korean Worship Song)

Oh Lord,
I’ve enjoyed so much of Your grace.
Why do I always feel empty inside?
Have I not gained the truth and life?

Monday, August 20, 2018

64. We feel that all of God’s words are in the Bible and that anything outside of the Bible does not contain God’s revelations or words. Why is this type of statement wrong?

64. We feel that all of God’s words are in the Bible and that anything outside of the Bible does not contain God’s revelations or words. Why is this type of statement wrong?

Bible Reference:

“And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written. Amen” (Jhn 21:25).

Thursday, August 16, 2018

63. The Bible says that all scripture is given by inspiration of God, then why do you say that the Bible isn’t fully the words of God?

63. The Bible says that all scripture is given by inspiration of God, then why do you say that the Bible isn’t fully the words of God?

The Answer from God’s Word:

Not everything in the Bible is a record of the words personally spoken by God. The Bible simply documents the previous two stages of God’s work, of which one part is a record of the foretellings of the prophets, and one part is the experiences and knowledge written by people used by God throughout the ages.

Sunday, August 12, 2018

English Christian Crosstalk "The Mystery of God's Name" Will the Lord Be Called Jesus When He Returns

English Christian Crosstalk "The Mystery of God's Name" Will the Lord Still Be Called Jesus When He Returns?

For two thousand years, Christians have always prayed in and called upon the Lord Jesus' name, believing that God's name will only ever be Jesus. However, it is prophesied in the Book of Revelation, chapter 3, verse 12, that the Lord shall have a new name upon His return.

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Christian Music Video "Where Is My Home" | The Church of Almighty God

Christian Music Video 2019 "Where Is My Home"

Where Is My Home

With my tiny paper and brush, I paint a little house.

Momma’s inside the house, Daddy is inside too.

My sister and I are playing in the sunlight.

We all feel warm as the sun shines on us.

Momma is smiling, Daddy smiles too.

Sisters are grinning, we are all beaming.

This is my family here, painted on my paper.

Monday, August 6, 2018

Best Christian Music Video | So Happy to Live in the Love of God | "Christ's Kingdom Is a Warm Home"

Best Christian Music Video | So Happy to Live in the Love of God | "Christ's Kingdom Is a Warm Home"

Christ’s kingdom is my warm home, it belongs to all of God’s people.
Christ walks and speaks in the church and lives together with God’s people.
The judgment and chastisement of God’s words is here, as is work of the Holy Spirit.