Saturday, December 1, 2018

English Christian Movie | Do You Know the Mystery of the Name of God | "God's Name Has Changed?!"

English Christian Movie | Do You Know the Mystery of the Name of God | "God's Name Has Changed?!"

Her name is Wang Hua, and she is a house church preacher in Southern China. After she began to believe in the Lord, she found in the Bible that God was called Jehovah in the Old Testament, and was called Jesus in the New Testament.

Gospel Movie | What Is True Faith in God? | "Faith in God" | The Second Coming of Jesus

Gospel Movie | What Is True Faith in God? | "Faith in God" | The Second Coming of Jesus

Yu Congguang preaches the gospel for the Church of Almighty God. While preaching the gospel, he was pursued by the Chinese Communist government. He fled to the mountains, where he received help from Zheng Xun, a co-worker of the local house church. 

Friday, November 30, 2018

Christian Worship Song "God's Kingdom Has Appeared on Earth"

Christian Worship Song "God's Kingdom Has Appeared on Earth"


Almighty true God, King on the throne,

ruling the whole universe,

facing all nations and all peoples.

The whole world shines with God’s glory.

Christian Movie 2018 | How to Hear the Voice of God and Welcome the Lord | "What a Beautiful Voice"

Christian Movie 2018 | How to Hear the Voice of God and Welcome the Lord | "What a Beautiful Voice"

Dong Jingxin is a preacher in a house church in China. She's believed in the Lord for thirty years, and loves the truth; she frequently reads the Lord's words and is driven by them. She expends herself for the Lord with enthusiasm. Because of her preaching work, she was arrested by the police of the Chinese Communist government and sent to prison where she endured cruelty and torture.

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Christian Worship Song "God Has Appeared in the East of the World With Glory"

Christian Worship Song "God Has Appeared in the East of the World With Glory"


God is doing work throughout the universe. Thunderous noises in the East do not relent, shaking all denominations and all sects. It's God's voice that brought all to the present. It's His voice that will have all conquered. They fall in this stream, and submit to Him. God has long ago reclaimed glory from the earth, and from the East He has reissued it. Who doesn't long to see the glory of God? Who doesn't await His return with eagerness? Who doesn't thirst for Him to reappear? Who doesn't miss His loveliness? Who would not come toward the light? Who wouldn't see the wealth of Canaan? Who doesn't long for the Redeemer's return? Who doesn't admire the One with omnipotence?

Best Christian Movie | "Yearning" | God Reveals the Mystery of Kingdom of Heaven (English Dubbed)

Best Christian Movie | "Yearning" | God Reveals the Mystery of Kingdom of Heaven (English Dubbed)

Two thousand years ago, the Lord Jesus promised His followers: "I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you to myself; that where I am, there you may be also" (John 14:2-3). Because of this, generations of believers have continued to obsessively hope and pray for the fulfillment of the Lord's promise, and hope and pray that they are raptured into the heavens to meet the Lord and enter into the kingdom of heaven when the Lord comes.

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

New Christian Song 2018 "The Incarnate God Leads Mankind Into a New Era"

New Christian Song 2018 "The Incarnate God Leads Mankind Into a New Era"


The incarnate God, He brings to an end the age when only Jehovah's back was seen. He also concludes the age of belief when in vagueness God was perceived. The work of the last incarnate God brings man to a more practical age. The work He does brings all mankind to a more pleasant and realistic time.