Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Christian Testimonies - A Restaurant’s Harvest

 Christian Testimonies - A Restaurant’s Harvest

Ming Zhen

Cong Xin worked as a waitress in a restaurant, and she had always been a conscientious worker. But for some reason, the manager had recently started to lose his temper with her indiscriminately. Ever since she was small, Cong Xin had always wanted to excel and to do her best at everything she did, and even her stepfather very seldom spoke ill of her. But now she had to face the restaurant manager who was purposefully making things difficult for her. So many times, Cong Xin had wanted to get into a blazing row with him, but when she thought of how she was a believer in God and that she must be someone with humanity and reason, she would realize that she could no longer act however she wished, as she had done before she believed in God.

Monday, March 25, 2019

God Rules - The Orchestration of God’s Hands: A Different Experience of Job Seeking

God RulesThe Orchestration of God’s Hands: A Different Experience of Job Seeking

Liang Xin

In today’s society, there are all different kinds of major enterprises and there seems to be a myriad of employment opportunities, but year after year, college graduates are a dime a dozen. The market of qualified employment candidates is so overcrowded you can’t gain a foothold, so the difficulty of finding employment after graduation has become a very practical problem. For every young person on the cusp of entering society after school, the most headache-inducing issue that they have to face is finding work, particularly at a good company.

Sunday, March 24, 2019

Christian Testimony: God’s Guidance Allowed Me to Overcome Temptation in the Workplace ( Part 2)

Christian Testimony: God’s Guidance Allowed Me to Overcome Temptation in the Workplace ( Part 2)

I thought that I could return to the ordinary life I lived in the past. I didn’t expect that Mr. Zhang would try to tempt me with benefits after his attempts to tempt me with lust failed….

One day before Spring Festival, Mr. Zhang suddenly sent a text message asking me to his office. I knew Mr. Zhang was the only person who worked on the second floor, and I hesitated, thought to myself, “If I don’t go, this is going against an order from my boss, but I don’t know what will happen if I go….”

Saturday, March 23, 2019

Christian Testimony: God’s Guidance Allowed Me to Overcome Temptation in the Workplace ( Part 1)

Christian Testimony: God’s Guidance Allowed Me to Overcome Temptation in the Workplace ( Part 1)

     Almighty God says, “A world of gaiety and splendor, one that is becoming more and more so. When people look upon the world, their hearts are drawn to it, and many are unable to extricate themselves from it; great numbers will be beguiled by those who engage in trickery and sorcery. If you do not strive for progress, and are without ideals, you will be swept away by this sinful wave” (“Practice (2)” in The Word Appears in the Flesh). Almighty God’s words expose the evil of this hedonistic world, filled as it is with all kinds of temptations: money, fame, status, power, eroticism….

Friday, March 22, 2019

Christian Testimony: How to Maintain Friendships in the Face of Making a Profit

Christian Testimony: How to Maintain Friendships in the Face of Making a Profit

By Ye Qing, China

Monday, September 3, 2018 Clear sky

As of today, I’ve been working in the beauty parlor for a month. When I first started, the boss arranged for a girl named Xiao Jie to show me the ropes. She had a very upbeat personality, and she would tell me everything, whether it was things going on at home or problems she’d encountered at work, and we got to know each other pretty quickly. With Xiao Jie’s help, and through studying and training hard and learning from the strengths of my colleagues, my skills improved rapidly, and many customers began to ask for me personally. To express my thanks to Xiao Jie, I bought some make-up products and clothes just for her.

Thursday, March 21, 2019

Christian Testimonies - How a Christian Established a Good Work Relationship With Her Colleague

Christian Testimonies - How a Christian Established a Good Work Relationship With Her Colleague

By Jianxin, Malaysia

Editor’s Note: People often say there is no friendship between people where our interests are concerned. It’s true. In modern society, where individual interest comes before everything, family ties, friendship, and love are difficult to sustain in the face of our interests. It’s the same for Sister Jianxin, whose relationship with the friend she can talk about anything with sours and turns to deadlock thanks to her consideration of her own interests. But later, Jianxin and her friend are able to resolve their conflicts and can finally get along as they once did. How did Jianxin do it? Let’s read about her experience.

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Christian Testimonies - Relying on God: It is Possible to Get a Good Job Without Flattering People

Christian Testimonies Relying on God: It is Possible to Get a Good Job Without Flattering People

By Fangxiang

     In summer this year, the Christian Zhang Li began work at a large children’s amusement park. There were many job posts and different personnel were responsible for each post. Confronted with this kind of working environment, Zhang Li thought to herself: “No matter where I work, interpersonal relationships are the hardest to handle. For the sake of their own interests, people either engage in jealous disputes and scheme against each other, or they flatter each other and try to curry favor with each other—they live by satanic life philosophies in everything they do. I am a believer in God and everything I do and say must accord with God’s words.