Monday, November 20, 2017

The Hymn of God's Word The Effect God's Judgment Can Achieve

The Hymn of God's Word The Effect
God's Judgment Can Achieve
God's work
in passing judgment is not,
in two or three words,
to make clear man's whole nature,
but slowly to reveal, deal with,
prune him over time.
Such forms of treatment
can't be changed for common words,
only for truth,
which lies beyond man's compass.
Only such work is deemed judgment;
only such judgment
can make man obey God
in heart and mouth, within, without,
and truly come to know Him.
The work of judgment brings man
to know the very face of God,
and the truth of his rebellion.
It teaches him the purpose
and intent behind God's work
and of mysteries
man doesn't understand.
It helps him to know his corruption
and see the ugliness of his own.
Only such work is deemed judgment;
only such judgment
can make man obey God
in heart and mouth, within, without,
and truly come to know Him.
These effects of the work of God
come about
through the work of judgment.
For in substance,
it's just to open up the truth,
the way, and life of God
to all those that believe in Him.
This is what
God works in His judgment.
Only such work is deemed judgment;
only such judgment
can make man obey God
in heart and mouth, within, without,
and truly come to know Him.
from "Christ Does the Work of Judgment With the Truth" in The Word Appears in the Flesh
Know more: Eastern Lightning    The origin of the Church of Almighty God

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