Monday, June 25, 2018

How Can You Tell the Difference Between the True and False Churches?

In believing in the Lord, if we want to grow in spiritual life and gain the Lord’s approval, we must learn to differentiate between the true church and false churches without delay! (1) A church is made up of those who have truly been predestined and chosen by God—it is composed of those who love the truth, pursue the truth, and are possessed of the work of the Holy Spirit. Only when these people assemble to eat and drink the word of God, lead the life of the church, experience the work of God, and perform their duty as creatures of God can it be a church. If a rabble says it truly believes in God, but does not love or pursue the truth, and is without the work of the Holy Spirit, and performs religious ceremonies, and prays, and reads the words of God, then it is not a church. More precisely, churches without the work of the Holy Spirit are not churches; they are but religious venues and people who perform religious ceremonies. They are not people who truly obey God and experience the work of God. The Church of Almighty God—The Second Coming of Jesus Christ

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