Showing posts with label Book. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Book. Show all posts

Thursday, September 20, 2018

That Day the Sky Was Especially Clear and Sunny (Part 3)

That Day the Sky Was Especially Clear and Sunny (Part 3)

Tian Ying

The Church of Almighty God,Eastern Lightning,God’s work
That Day the Sky Was Especially Clear and Sunny (Part 3)

    After returning home, I kept thinking over the fellowship made by the sister, and I thought to myself: That little sister today was so loving, she really was nothing like what the pastor said she was. Also, what she was saying is all in the Bible. It really was ill-founded of me before when I believed that “to be saved once is to be saved forever.”

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

61. In one’s faith in God one must not stray from the Bible; anything straying from the Bible is fake and heretical. Is this tenable?

61. In one’s faith in God one must not stray from the Bible; anything straying from the Bible is fake and heretical. Is this tenable?

Bible Reference:

“Search the scriptures; for in them you think you have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me. And you will not come to me, that you might have life” (Jhn 5:39-40).

The Answer from God’s Word:

The Bible is a historical book, and if you had eaten and drunk the Old Testament during the Age of Grace—if you had put into practice what was required in the time of the Old Testament during the Age of Grace—Jesus would have rejected you, and condemned you; if you had applied the Old Testament to the work of Jesus, you would have been a Pharisee. …

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Eastern Lightning | Who Knows the Motherly Heart of God?

Eastern Lightning, Truth, Rebirth,
 Who Knows the Motherly Heart of God?

Eastern Lightning | Who Knows the Motherly Heart of God?

Qingxin    Zhengzhou City, Henan Province
Regarding the “God is righteous” aspect of the truth, I used to always have a somewhat absurd understanding. I thought that as long as someone reveals corruption in their work or commits transgressions that damage the church’s work, that person shall face retribution, or lose their duty or be subjected to punishment.

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Eastern Lightning | The Finest Gift God Has Given Me

God’s enlightenment, Eastern Lightning, Truth,
The Finest Gift God Has Given Me

Eastern Lightning | The Finest Gift God Has Given Me

Yixin    Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province
Before, I would frequently hear my brothers and sisters say, “Everything that God does is for the best; it is all what people need.” I admitted this and agreed with it, but I didn’t have any understanding through my own experience. Later on I gained some understanding of it through an environment that God created for me.

Monday, August 21, 2017

Eastern Lightning | This Is Putting Truth Into Practice

God , Truth, Eastern Lightning
This Is Putting Truth Into Practice

Eastern Lightning | This Is Putting Truth Into Practice

Fan Xing    Zhumadian City, Henan Province
In the past, I was paired up with a sister to work on some duties. Because I was arrogant and conceited and did not seek after truth, I had some preconceived ideas toward this sister which I always kept in my heart and didn’t openly communicated with her. When we separated, I had not entered the truth of a harmonious working relationship. Later, the church arranged for me to work with another sister and I established a resolution before God: From now on, I will not walk in the paths of failure. I’ve learned my lesson and so this time I will certainly have more open communication with this sister and reach a harmonious working relationship.