Showing posts with label Face and Status. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Face and Status. Show all posts

Saturday, February 16, 2019

Christian Testimonies - Judgment Is the Light

Christian Testimonies - Judgment Is the Light

The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, faith in God

One day, I was informed that there was a sister in the church who was not in a good state, so I consulted with the sister I was partnered with on how to resolve this problem. She was not feeling physically well at the time, so I went alone to seek out that sister that very night to have fellowship with her, and the problem was resolved very quickly. My heart was brimming with self-satisfaction, thinking that the upper-level leader would surely praise me because I had put in so much effort.

Friday, February 15, 2019

Christian Testimonies - Judgment Is the Light

Christian TestimoniesJudgment Is the Light

By Zhao Xia, Shandong Province

My name is Zhao Xia. I was born into an ordinary family. Due to the influence of dictums like “A man leaves his name behind wherever he stays, just as a goose utters its cry wherever it flies,” and “As a tree lives for its bark, a man lives for his face,” reputation and face became particularly important to me. Everything I did was to earn other people’s praise, compliments, and admiration. After getting married, the goals I set for myself were: I will have a more prosperous life than others; I must not allow anyone say negative things about how I treat the elderly or about my behavior and conduct; I will ensure my child gets into a well-known university and has good prospects in order to bring me more glory.

Sunday, January 7, 2018

Christian Testimonies - Judgment Is the Light

Christian Testimonies - Judgment Is the Light

By Zhao Xia, Shandong Province

My name is Zhao Xia. I was born into an ordinary family. Due to the influence of dictums like “A man leaves his name behind wherever he stays, just as a goose utters its cry wherever it flies,” and “As a tree lives for its bark, a man lives for his face,” reputation and face became particularly important to me. Everything I did was to earn other people’s praise, compliments, and admiration.