Showing posts with label Gaming Addiction. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gaming Addiction. Show all posts

Friday, April 5, 2019

God’s Salvation - A Christian’s Inspirational Story: How to Completely Free Oneself From Gaming Addiction Is No Longer a Difficult Question

God’s Salvation - A Christian’s Inspirational Story: How to Completely Free Oneself From Gaming Addiction Is No Longer a Difficult Question

By Yangying, United States

The First Time I See an Online Game, I’m Filled With Curiosity

While studying at vocational school, I chose to major in computer science. I hadn’t been at the school long when I heard from a classmate that many people were playing online games, and how fun and interesting they were, and that those who couldn’t play them were behind the times. Hearing my classmate say this, my interest in playing these games was even more piqued, and so, with a mind filled with curiosity, my career with playing games began.