Showing posts with label God. Show all posts
Showing posts with label God. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Eastern Lightning | Establishing a Proper Relationship With God Is Very Important

Eastern Lightning,Pray,Holy Spirit
Eastern Lightning | Establishing a Proper Relationship With God Is Very Important

Eastern Lightning | Establishing a Proper Relationship With God Is Very Important

People believe in God, love God, and satisfy God by touching the Spirit of God with their heart, thereby obtaining His satisfaction; when engaging with God’s words with their heart, they are therefore moved by the Spirit of God. If you wish to achieve a proper spiritual life and establish a proper relationship with God, you must first give your heart to Him, and quiet your heart before Him. 

Sunday, September 24, 2017

You Must Know the Truths About the Three Stages of God’s Work

You Must Know the Truths About the Three Stages of God’s Work

1. What Is the Work of Managing Mankind?

Relevant Words of God:

The work of managing mankind is divided into three stages, which means that the work of saving mankind is divided into three stages. These three stages do not include the work of creating the world, but are rather the three stages of the work of the Age of Law, the Age of Grace, and the Age of Kingdom

Friday, September 15, 2017

Second Coming of Jesus | Questions and Answers About the Way of Eternal Life

Second Coming of Jesus,Almighty God,Lord Jesus
Questions and Answers About the Way of Eternal Life

Second Coming of Jesus | Questions and Answers About the Way of Eternal Life

Question 2: The Lord Jesus and Almighty God are one God, but do different work in different ages. Jesus did the work of redemption and preached the way of repentance. But now, Almighty God does the work of purifying mankind and brings the way of everlasting life. Here I have another question: What is the difference between the way of repentance and the way of eternal life?

Monday, September 11, 2017

Concerning the Bible (4)

the Bible,God,Gospel
The Bible

Concerning the Bible (4)

Many people believe that understanding and being able to interpret the Bible is the same as finding the true way—but in fact, are things really so simple? No one knows the reality of the Bible: that it is nothing more than a historical record of God’s work, and a testament to the previous two stages of God’s work, and offers you no understanding of the aims of God’s work.

Monday, August 21, 2017

Eastern Lightning | Whatever God Says Is the Very Judgment of Man

The Church Of Almighty God  ,Eastern Lightning,  Truth,
 Eastern Lightning |Whatever God Says Is the Very Judgment of Man

Eastern Lightning | Whatever God Says Is the Very Judgment of Man

Xunqiu    Nanyang City, Henan Province
I used to think that God judged and chastised man only when He revealed man’s inherent corruption or conveyed harsh words that judged the end of man. It was only much later that an incidence led me to realize that even God’s gentle words were also His judgment and chastisement. I realized that every word God said was His judgment of man.

Friday, August 4, 2017

Eastern Lightning | Questions and Answers About God’s Work of Judgment in the Last Days

Eastern Lightning,The Church of Almighty God,Almighty God
Eastern Lightning | Questions and Answers About God’s Work of Judgment in the Last Days

Question 1: You say that God becomes flesh in the last days to do the work of judgment. Does this have basis in the Bible, or fulfill biblical prophecies? Without a biblical basis, we shouldn’t be so quick to believe it.

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Eastern Lightning | Almighty God's Word "The Savior Has Already Returned Upon a 'White Cloud'"

      Almighty God says, "I was also called the Messiah, and people once called Me Jesus the Savior because they loved and respected Me. But today I am not the Jehovah or Jesus that people knew in times past—I am the God who has returned in the last days, the God who shall bring the age to an end.

Thursday, July 20, 2017

Eastern Lightning | Questions and Answers About the Way in Which the Lord Returns

Question 2: I have been a Christian for half of my life. I have worked hard for the Lord all along and waited for His coming again. Why didn’t the Lord reveal to me when He came? The Lord cannot possibly forsake me. I am very confused by that. I would like to know what you think.
Answer: Since people have followed the Lord half of their life, worked hard, and waited for His return watchfully, they believe that when the Lord comes, they will be given a revelation.

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Eastern Lightning | The Son of Man Has Descended to Earth

Eastern Lightning,Almighty God,God's Word,
Eastern Lightning
1. The Eastern Lightning has shone, has shone, lighting to the west, to the west, to the west. You ask me, and I ask you, what is this flash of lightning? The mystery of godliness: The Son of man has descended to earth, and He is Almighty God.
2. Almighty God has appeared above the universe, above the universe. His holy name is being proclaimed, being proclaimed, being proclaimed. From the east to the west, the whole universe has been shaken. The kingdom trumpet sound is resounding far and near, is resounding far and near.

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Eastern Lightning | God Has Brought His Glory to the East

Eastern Lightning | God Has Brought His Glory to the East

    God gave His glory to Israel then moved it away from there, bringing the Israelites and bringing all men to the East. God has led them all to the light so that they may be reunited and associate with light, no longer have to search, search for the light. God will let all who are in search see the light again and the glory He had in Israel, see God has come down upon a white cloud among men, see the clouds of white, see the clusters of fruit, see Jehovah God of Israel, God of Israel, see the Master of the Jews, see the longed-for Messiah, and the full appearance of Him persecuted by kings throughout the ages.

Thursday, July 6, 2017

Eastern Lightning | XVII Questions and Answers About Why the True Way Is Persecuted

Question 3: You testify that the Eastern Lightning is the true way, but the CCP government has condemned the Eastern Lightning as a cult. How should we differentiate between good religion and evil cults?
Answer: The CCP is an atheist party. It resists God and hates the truth more than any other. It has determined all churches and groups that believe in the true God as evil cults and has openly declared that the Bible is an evil cult book. This is a recognized fact.

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Eastern Lightning | You Must Know That Only Almighty God Is the One True God Who Created the Heavens and the Earth and Everything in Them

2. Almighty God Is the Returned Jesus.

Relevant Words of God:

God is incarnated in the Chinese mainland, what the compatriots in Hong Kong and Taiwan call the inland. When God came from above to the earth, no one in heaven and earth knew about it, for this is the true meaning of God returning in a concealed fashion. He has been in the flesh working and living for a long time, yet no one has known about it. Even to this day, no one recognizes it. Perhaps this will remain an eternal riddle. God’s coming into flesh this time is not something anyone is able to be aware of. No matter how large-scale and powerful the Spirit’s work, God always stays composed, never giving Himself away. One can say that it is as if this stage of His work is taking place in the heavenly realm. Even though it is perfectly obvious to everyone, no one recognizes it. When God finishes this stage of His work, everyone will awake from their long dream and reverse their past attitude.

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Eastern Lightning | The Last Christ Is the Lord of the Judgment and the One Who Opens the Scroll.

Eastern Lightning
1 Almighty God is the all-powerful, all-accomplishing, and complete true God! He not only takes the seven stars, bears the seven Spirits, has the seven eyes, breaks the seven seals, and opens the scroll, but He is much more in control of the seven plagues and seven bowls and reveals the seven thunders. And He has already sounded the seven trumpets! All things He created and all that He has accomplished should give praise to Him, give glory to Him, and exalt His throne. O Almighty God! You are everything, and You have accomplished everything.

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Eastern Lightning | The Church of Almighty God was founded by the returned Lord Jesus personally in the last days

      In the Age of Grace, the Lord Jesus promised to His followers, “And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you to myself; that where I am, there you may be also.” (John 14:3) He also prophesied, “For as the lightning comes out of the east, and shines even to the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.” (Matthew 24:27) In the last days, as promised and foretold by Himself, God has again become flesh and descended to the East of the world—China—to do the work of judgment, chastisement, conquest, and salvation using the word, on the foundation of the redemption work of the Lord Jesus. In this, the prophecies of the Bible that “Judgment begins with the house of God” and “He that has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit said to the churches!” have also been fulfilled. God’s work of the last days has ended the Age of Grace and ushered in the Age of Kingdom. As the gospel of the kingdom of Almighty God spread rapidly in Mainland China, the Church of Almighty God came into being.