Showing posts with label The church. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The church. Show all posts

Monday, April 2, 2018

A Hundred Questions and Answers on Investigating the True Way

The church of Almighty God | God's Judgment

Why does God only bless the church that accepts and obeys His work? Why does He curse religious organizations?

chRelevant Words of God:

Because those in religion are incapable of accepting God’s new work, and only hold to the old work of the past, thus God has forsaken these people, and does His new work on the people who accept this new work. These are people who cooperate in His new work, and only in this way can His management be accomplished.

Saturday, March 24, 2018

Gospel Movie clip (2) - Is Accepting the Gospel of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ Apostasy?

Gospel Movie clip (2) - Is Accepting the Gospel of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ Apostasy?

In the Bible, Paul said, "I marvel that you are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ to another gospel" (Galatians 1:6). The pastors and elders misinterpret these words of Paul, and condemn all people who accept the gospel of the second coming of Lord Jesus, saying that this would be apostasy and that it would be betraying the Lord. Some believers therefore miss the chance to welcome the Lord, because they have been deceived. It is evident that getting a clear understanding of the true meaning of this text is extremely important to our welcoming the return of the Lord. So what is the true meaning of this passage of Scripture? Is accepting the gospel of the second coming of Lord Jesus apostasy?

Know more: Eastern Lightning, The Church of Almighty God was created because of the appearance and work of Almighty God, the second coming of the Lord Jesus, Christ of the last days. It is made up of all those who accept Almighty God's work in the last days and are conquered and saved by His words. It was entirely founded by Almighty God personally and is led by Him as the Shepherd. It was definitely not created by a person. Christ is the truth, the way, and the life. God's sheep hear God's voice. As long as you read the words of Almighty God, you will see God has appeared.

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

The Power of Faith in God | Christian Video | "Seventeen? The Hell You Are!"

The Power of Faith in God | Christian Video
"Seventeen? The Hell You Are!"

"Kid! Do you know that the Communist Party is atheist and against belief in God? In China, what God is there for you to believe in? Where is this God of yours?" "Do not assume that because you are young, we will be lenient with you! If you keep believing in God, you will end up dead!" With electric rods in hands, the Chinese Communist police rush this youngster who is covered with bruises.

Christian, End Time, testimony

Seventeen? The Hell You Are!

Saturday, February 10, 2018

Christian Movie | "The Lies of Communism: Account of the CCP's Brainwashing" | Revealing the Truth

Christian Movie | "The Lies of Communism: Account of the CCP's Brainwashing" | Revealing the Truth

Zhang Mingdao is a Christian in The Church of Almighty God who has experienced several years of Almighty God's work in the last days, understands some truths, and can see the real significance of human life. He is resolved to abandon everything and follow God, and bear witness for God's work and appearance of the last days. Once, while Zhang Mingdao was in the midst of spreading the gospel, he was arrested by Chinese Communist police, who carried out inhuman torture and torment on him, attempting to force him to divulge information about the leaders and finances of the church. Zhang Mingdao prayed to God and relied on God. He endured the painful torture, torment, and cruel beating, and stood firm witness. The Chinese Communist police were shamed into anger, and determined that Zhang Mingdao was no ordinary believer. They thought that he must be a leader in The Church of Almighty God, and decided to put Zhang Mingdao through brainwashing. Thereon they brought Zhang Mingdao to a mysterious base for brainwashing.

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Eastern Lightning | Christian Video | Chronicles of Religious Persecution in China | "To the Brink and Back"

Christian Video | Chronicles of Religious Persecution in China
"To the Brink and Back"

Since it came to power in mainland China in 1949, the Chinese Communist Party has been relentless in its persecution of religious faith. It has frantically arrested and murdered Christians, expelled and abused missionaries operating in China, confiscated and destroyed countless copies of the Bible, sealed up and demolished church buildings, and vainly attempted to eradicate all house churches.

Monday, February 5, 2018

Eastern lightning | The Secret Tip to Resolving Hatred

Eastern lightning, Second Coming, The Church of Almighty God
The Secret Tip to Resolving Hatred

The Secret Tip to Resolving Hatred

Xiao Wu
I was self-employed. Mainly I sold all kinds of textiles, and I also made clothes for my customers part-time. After a few years, my business became more and more popular, and people around me were all very envious. Later, a neighboring household opened the same kind of shop as mine and became my competitor. Naturally, the business in my shop was affected. The popular proverb says two of a trade never agree, but my peer was not just anyone, but my most trusted pupil, Xiaochen.

Sunday, February 4, 2018

Eastern Lightning | Resolving the “Cold War” Makes My Life Even Happier!

Resolving the “Cold War” Makes My Life Even Happier!
Tian Yu
When I got married, my family advised me that “All lay loads on the willing horse,” that after marriage, I must be in charge so that I’m not taken advantage of, so that my life will be fulfilled and happy. So, after marriage, I always wanted to be in charge and that whatever I said would go. In the beginning, my husband would consult me for all matters big and small in our home. But as time went on, he would often not consult with me, but do things according to his will. Because of this, I felt rather unhappy. I felt that my husband didn’t take me seriously. I thought, “If things continue like this, I wouldn’t have a place to stand on in this family.” In order that I could be in charge, I would often sulk and ignore my husband until he softened and said nice things to me, and things only ended when I was satisfied.

Sunday, January 28, 2018

Christian Video | "I Find the Right Path of Life" | Only the Honest Can Enter the Heavenly Kingdom

Christian Video | "I Find the Right Path of Life" 

 Only the Honest Can Enter the Heavenly Kingdom

Zhen Cheng was the owner of an appliance repair shop. He was kind, honest, and did business by the book. He would never try to pull the wool over someone's eyes, but he was only making enough money to barely support his family. After a time, a family member and a fellow tradesman urged him to practice the unwritten rules of business, and Zhen Cheng began to believe in sayings that represent a satanic philosophy such as: "A man without a second income will never get rich just like a horse starved of hay at night will never put on weight," "The bold die of gluttony; the timid die of starvation," "Money isn't everything, but without it, you can do nothing," and "Money is first." Zhen Cheng lost his good conscience that had guided him before and began using underhanded means to earn more money. Even though he earned more money than he had previously, and his living standards improved, Zhen Cheng nonetheless felt unhappy and a feeling of emptiness plagued him; life was hollow and fraught with suffering.

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Human Rights Expert Do Heeyoon: If Christians Are repatriated, Human Rights Groups Will Not Stand By

Human Rights Expert Do Heeyoon: If Christians Are repatriated, Human Rights Groups Will Not Stand By

On November 28, 2017, in response to concurrent public attacks and smears against The Church of Almighty God in Hong Kong, Taiwan, and South Korea, South Korean human rights expert Do Heeyoun and eight other non-governmental organizations jointly condemned the Chinese Communist government for its many years of brutal persecution against The Church of Almighty God, and expressed the view that the asylum applications of Christians of The Church of Almighty God should be recognized by their respective host nations. During a recent interview, with the pending asylum applications of Christians of The Church of Almighty God at risk in South Korea, South Korean human rights expert Do Heeyoun said: The South Korean government has always advocated human rights, so it would not unreasonably force people onto the road to ruin. If the government does leave these people high and dry, many international human rights groups won’t sit idly by. He hopes this type of situation won’t happen.

Watch videos : Eastern Lightning, About the Church of Almighty God

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Los Angeles North Hollywood KaPow Intergalactic Film Festival: Musical Xiaozhen's Story Wins Award

         Xiaozhen's Story, a musical by The Church of Almighty God, has been the object of much attention and praise since its 2015 release, winning multiple awards at international film festivals. In October 2017, the film received nine awards at the Virginia Christian Film Festival, including best director, best feature film, and best musical score. Xiaozhen's Story once again stood out at the US KaPow Intergalactic Film Festival, winning the award for the best foreign experimental feature. This is the eighth time this film has received an award at an international film festival.

The Los Angeles KaPow Intergalactic Film Festival strives to show the best and most creative films from across the world, and in 2017 there were a number of excellent works from every corner of the globe. With its heartfelt enactment and profound content, Xiaozhen's Story was awarded best foreign experimental feature. The festival organizers presented this award to representatives from The Church of Almighty God on the evening of November 15 at the Noho 7 theater in Los Angeles' North Hollywood.

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Listen to the Voice of God and Be Raptured Into the Kingdom of Heaven | "The Moment of Change"


    Su Mingyue is a preacher of a house church in mainland China. Over the years, she has been a devout servant of the Lord who insists on doing preaching work for the Lord and bearing the burden of work for the church. She goes by Paul's word in the Bible, feeling that merely believing in the Lord is enough to be called righteous and be saved by grace.